Friday, May 18, 2012

Prezi & Glogster

Color Wheels

During the art lesson on May 10,2012, I learned about color theory, also how to make a color wheel I learned the name of tertiary colors in the additive color wheel. Like Cyan + Blue = Azure, Blue + Magenta = Violet, Magenta + Red = Rose, Red + Yellow = Orange, Yellow + Green = Chartreuse, and Green + Cyan = Spring Green.

The following steps were followed from the beginning to the end of the project. As given in the lesson I watched the video on additive color wheel and copied the number for my subtracting I put the secondary colors in the primary spot and the primary colors in the secondary spot. Then I watched a video on traditional color wheel and put the numbers in.

During this lesson, I wasn’t sure about how to connect the percent’s wit the colors.
At the conclusion of the lesson, my project was good I like the why it looked, I got the right colors and it really didn’t take no time.If I had more time, I would do the following to improve my project I would look up other color wheels. Another way we could learn about this lesson would be if we actually painted it on paper.